“Women in International Migration”
Addressing ethnic-racial discrimination, socioeconomic and health inequalities and gender-based violence
22-27 July, 2024
The presence of women in migration flows is not a new element, as females have always been an important component of international migration. Women are migrating alone, as heads of households and also as economically active individuals, while fewer than in the past are migrating as dependents of their spouses. This development of international migration has been recorded in literature under the term “feminisation of migration” (Castles & Miller, 1998:16). Forms of female migration include those who migrate alone or before their husbands, as both the labour market and the gender division of labour in reception countries offer them better employment and economic prospects, notwithstanding severe limitations in their rights.In this context, the course 8th Migration Summer School (MIGSS): “Women in International Migration: Addressing ethnic-racial discrimination, socioeconomic and health inequalities and gender-based violence” has been carefully designed and developed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of investigate the impact of women’s migration trajectory, social networks and contextual conditions on their integration or marginalisation in host societies. This will be achieved through lectures and discussions led by international scholars, professors and experts and study visits. This program is organized by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO). The MIGSS will take place from 22 July – 27 July 2024.